Letter of commendation from the Premier of Ontario (August 2006)


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On behalf of the Government of Ontario, I am
delighted to welcome everyone in attendance at the

August 17, 2006

The world of business is a major part of life in Ontario.
Business, Corporate finance and entrepreneurial development are
the fuel that keeps out province’s economy strong.

Project Beyshick seeks to make the world of business and finance more
Accessible to Aboriginal people. Its aim is to allow members of First nations to
become equal partners in the economic prosperity of Canada. This innovative
educational program puts people from Aboriginal communities all across Canada
in the best classroom available – the real world of corporate finance.

I extend my congratulations to the 21 recipients of this unique
Opportunity. I comment the Nishnawbe Aski nation (NAN), Aditya Jha of
the POA Educational Foundation and the Entrepreneurship Program of the
Ryerson Business School for making this valuable project possible.

Please accept my best wishes for a memorable evening.

Signed (Dalton McGuinty, Premier)

Presented by the Honourable David James Ramsay
Minister of Natural Resources
Minister Responsible for Aboriginal Affairs