Welcome to our website and thank you for your interest in the foundation.
The Industrial revolution brought great prosperity to the developed part of the world while people of countries which lacked access to capital and God’s gift of natural resources remained stuck in ignorance and bereft of prosperous life.
Throughout our discussion during early days of the formation of this foundation, we kept on returning to a fundamental question: how does one get out of this seemingly endless cycle of poverty and economic exclusion? The advent of Digital Revolution and Knowledge Economy has broken this barrier and for the first time the under privileged have possible access to similar opportunities. However, there is greater possibility that once more the under-developed part of the world may be left behind owing to the issues of Digital Divide and not being ready to ride this new wave of entrepreneurship. In this we found the purpose of our foundation. The POA Foundation would dedicate itself to equalizing the access to opportunity for those not so fortunate.
At POA Foundation, we have decided that the best way to do this is to create a momentum that is exponential. Our idea being that those who are the beneficiaries of our programs and funding will in turn begin to help others.
The POA Foundation will help tackle this gap in opportunities by helping to fund projects that are tackling such issues in the fields of education, entrepreneurship and good governance.
True compassion comes from taking action. It is up to each and every one of us to participate. I urge you to find out what issue captures your attention. Do serious research and find an organization or people who are working towards making a difference on that issue. If that interest brings you to our foundation, then we are most fortunate and eager for your participation.
We will ensure that each and every dollar goes towards the cause itself and not in administering that initiative.
Get involved!
Aditya Jha
June 1, 2003