Trent University

Endowment Fund for Indigenous Studies Students at Trent and Project Collaborations

The POA Educational Foundation created a $100,000 endowment at Trent University. The annual distribution from the funds will be used to support both the Aditya Jha Indigenous Studies Awards and the Aditya Jha Indigenous Studies Bursaries, which will first be made available to Trent students in 2008-2009. Preference for these awards and bursaries will be given to applicants of Aboriginal heritage.

Trent University has also agreed to collaborate with POA Educational Foundation on several initiatives designed to promote and encourage entrepreneurship among Canada’s Aboriginal population. These initiatives include working with the foundation on its groundbreaking Project Beyshick, which provides Aboriginal youth with the opportunity to gain real business skills by working side-by-side with some of Canada’s most prominent business leaders. As a partner in the project, Trent University’s Indigenous Studies department will host a two-day workshop for participants each summer, in which internal and external faculty and professionals will participate. Students working through the Trent Centre for Community Based Education will also be involved in planning and running Project Beyshick for the next three years

Read the Tent University news release for information:

Donor Creates New Opportunities for Aboriginal Students at Trent University »

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