Top 20 Under 20

Youth in Motion – Top 20 Under 20

Youth in Motion’s Top 20 Under 20 awards and mentoring program is a unique national leadership development program for youth.  The program involves a national call for nominations, assessment by a prestigious team of Order of Canada judges, an awards celebration, a 5 day Leadership Summit and a year long mentoring program.  POA Foundation is proud to contribute to the awards fund  to support the development of Canada’s future workforce.   The fund contributed by POA Foundation is given to the Top 20 Under 20 award recipient under entrepreneurship category.

Youth in Motion (YIM) is a national, not-for-profit organization focused on developing the employability and life skills of today’s youth to prepare them effectively for success in life and work. Our programs are designed to provide access to career information and increase awareness about opportunities for youth and those impacting the career decisions of youth. For more information and profiles of award recipients, visit

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