The four day educational program taking place this week in Toronto, was developed jointly between NAN Grand Chief Stan Beardy and POA Educational Foundation Chairman Aditya Jha.
This is just another example of how we need to place more importance on our youth by empowering them with knowledge and experience that will allow them to succeed, said Deputy Grand Chief Alvin Fiddler who holds the portfolio for NAN Decade for Youth and Development a program dedicated to giving NAN youth a voice in the decision-making processes affecting the future of Nishnawbe Aski Nation, while seeking ways to encourage participation of young men and women within NAN communities.
Its a great experience and opportunity for NAN youth to work closely with successful business people in a setting so different from many of their home communities, said Fiddler. Its also a great way for the urban community to familiarize themselves with our territory and people especially the many potential entrepreneurs and leaders we have among our youth.
Project Beyshick will focus on nurturing entrepreneurship among First Nation people. The program involves ten youth participants from NAN territory an area spanning West to Manitoba, East to Quebec, and from the 51st parallel North to the coasts of James and Hudsons bays.
These youth will be paired with and job shadow senior business executives of large corporations and organizations that best match the students personal goals and interests. They will also participate in recreational events including a visit to Niagara Falls and baseball game.
I dont think governmental approaches should be our only answer – if we nurture the youth that will be the real morale booster, said POA Educational Foundation Chairman and President of Toronto-based Osellus Inc. Aditya Jha. Our goal is to nurture entrepreneurs amongst First nation Youth and these Executives will be the great link.
The following NAN youth will be participating in Project Beyshick: Vivian Miranda Kakepetum from Sandy Lake First Nation, Lakehead University Business; Autumn Yesno from Eabametoong First Nation, Confederation College Hotel Management; Brent Waboose from Ginoogaming First Nation, Confederation College Entrepreneurship; Lisa Moonias from Marten Falls First Nation, Confederation College Business; Mark Meekis from Sandy Lake First Nation, Confederation College Restaurant Business; Vanessa Moonias from Marten Falls First Nation, Lakehead University Nursing; Melissa Archibald from Taykwa Tagamou First Nation, Ecole Secondaire Cochrane High School; Myra Beardy from Sachigo Lake First Nation, Wahsa Distance Education Centre Sachigo Lake; Rowena Moonias from Marten Falls First Nation, Sir Winston Churchill High School C.V.I. Thunder Bay; Tracy Prevost from Taykwa Tagamou First Nation, Ecole Secondaire Cochrane High School.
Some of the corporations with executives participating in the program include TV Ontario, AMJ Campbell Van Lines, Trillium Health Care Centre, TD Bank Financial Group, ICICI Bank Canada, Bell Canada, Osellus Inc., and GlobalMaxx Technologies.
Project Beyshick will run from August 24 through to August 27, 2005 complete with a Thank You Dinner recognizing program participants at 6:00 p.m. Thursday August 25, 2005 at the Boulevard Club, 1491 Lakeshore Boulevard West, Toronto, Ontario. Nishnawbe Aski Nation host Deputy Grand Chief Alvin Fiddler will welcome The Hon. James K. Bartleman, Lieutenant Governor of Ontario and Ontario Regional Chief Angus Toulouse as they address project participants, representatives from POA Educational Foundation, and NAN Chiefs and Tribal Council Chairs.
Project Beyshick is jointly funded by POA Educational Foundation and Nishnawbe Aski Development Fund (NADF) through Federal Economic Development Initiative for Northern Ontarios (FedNor) Local Initiatives Contribution Agreement.
For more information please contact:
Jenna Young, Communications Officer
Nishnawbe Aski Nation
(807625 4952
Lisa Kember, Hyperactive Communications,
(905) 273-4724 ext. 22, (416) 458-5409 (cellular),